1. Welcome and Introduction
IM Division Chair William Newburry welcomed all members participating in the first online business meeting, and explained the rational to hold the business meeting online before the annual conference. He then introduced the EC members for 2022-2023: PDW Chair (Klaus Meyer), Program Chair (Nandini Lahiri), Division Program Chair-elect (Grazia Santangelo), and Immediate Past Division Chair (Katherine Xin).
Finally, he presented the agenda for the meeting.
2. Housekeeping
The Division Chair asked to check the 2022 Meeting Minutes, which has been placed on the IM Division website. The Division Chair will ask for approval of the minutes of the 2022 business meeting. The motion will be passed during the awards session at the annual conference in Boston.
3. Appreciation for IM Service
The Division Chair expressed his appreciation to the EC and thanked the IM Division Committee Chairs and other members for their service to the division. These included acknowledgements to Davina E. Vora (Best Dissertation Award Committee), Randi Lunnan (Research Awards
Committee), Carl Fey and Charles Dhanaraj (Teaching Committee), Denise Dunlap (Scholarship and Engagement Committee), Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro and Alex Settles (Membership Drive Committee), Rany Salvodi (Doctoral Student Committee), and Noman Shaheer (Online Research Resources Committee). He also thanked all members of the committees working within the IM Division.
4. Sponsor Recognition
Division Chair, William Newburry, thanked the IM Division’s sponsors for their significant contributions to the division’s awards. He specifically named: AmorePacific, CEIBS, Florida International University, George Washington University CIBER, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hyundai Motor, Northeastern University D’Amore-McKim School of Business, and the University of South Carolina.
He also highlighted that there still are opportunities available for sponsorship, which will be highlighted during the awards session during the annual conference.
5. Treasurer’s Report 2022-2023
IM Division Treasurer, Malika Richards, summarized the financial situation of the IM Division. She reported that membership had declined somewhat over the last few years but seems to have stabilized: membership of 1,979 (no allocation announced yet for 2024) as of June 2022; compared to 1,974 in 2021, 2,048 in 2020, and 2,337 in 2019.
Sponsors pledged a total of $43,000 in 2023, up from 41,500 in 2022. Major contributors were Amorepacific, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ., CIBER, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hyundai Motor Corp., Northeastern Univ, and Univ of South Carolina.
Malika Richards provided a financial summary for 2023, compared to prior year’s balance:
Balance Forward
Division Allocation + Base
Total Revenue Received
(as of July 1 2023)
Total Expenses
Operating Funds 01/01
Operating Funds 12/31
She referred members to the AoM IM website for a detailed report.
6. IM Bylaws Changes
Division Chair, William Newburry, highlighted that the current constitution and bylaws were adopted in 1997, and while the basic activities of the division are largely the same, both documents are in need of an update given the changes in practice since then (e.g. the online dimension of the Division’s activities).
He outlined the basic process to change the bylaws: The changes are presented in the meeting today and briefly at the start of the awards session at the annual meeting in Boston to gather comments. Then in the fall the changes will be send out to the IM Division’s members for electronic vote: He also mentioned that there might be a need to get a buy-in from other divisions regarding the objectives changes.
Finally, William Newburry mentioned that the goal is to combine the Constitution and Bylaws into a single Bylaws document and summarized the major proposed changes, which include changes in terminology and titles, the scope and objectives of the IM Division, a clause to allow for an online business meeting, updates to the election process to be in line with the general election process of the AOM, and updates to the duties of committees, elected and appointed offers.
7. PDW Chair Report
PDW Chair Klaus Meyer thanked all those who contributed to the PDW program. He noted that the number of PDW declines somewhat compared to the previous year.
Klaus Meyer highlighted some of the key events in the program. First, he mentioned the Doctoral Student Consortium (Organized by Stephanie Lu Wang and Luis Ballesteros), the Junior Faculty Consortium (Organized by Kristin Brandl and liang Chen) and the Meet the Editors Session (Organized by Ilya Cuypers), which will be hosted by Northeastern University in the Dodge Building, and thanked the organizers.
Next, he also expressed his gratitude to Davina Vora who organized two PDW, and the other PDW organizers. He highlighted a few sessions in the PDW program:
- Advice on Writing an Award-Winning Dissertation from Dissertation Award Finalists (on Friday; contact Davina Vora)
- Teaching Global Leadership: Exercises and Best Practices (on Friday; contact Davina Vora)
- Researching National Innovation Ecosystems for Startup Success (on Friday; contacts: Joseph Cheng and William Maloney)
- Multinationals’ Solutions to Grand Challenges (on Saturday; contact: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra)
- Challenges & Opportunities of Comparative-Collaborative Research in Africa (on Saturday; contact: Leonardo Liberman)
- International Management Division Paper Development Workshop (on Saturday; contacts Christian Asmussen and Vanessa Hasse)
Finally, he mentioned that there are still seats available for the Boston Duck Boat Tour organized by the IM division at the annual meeting in Boston, and that interested members can register online.
8. Program Chair Report
Program Chair Nandini Lahiri reported on the IM Division’s program at the annual meeting in Boston. She thanked all the submitters for helping to make the program a great success. She reported 391 paper submission in 2023 (vs. 239 in 2021 & 384 in 2022) and 32 symposia submissions (vs. 15 in 2021 & 22 in 2022). She also noted that the program features 196 Divisional papers in 49 sessions, plus 22 IM-led symposia and two showcase symposia.
She thanked all of the reviewers. In total 458 reviewers from 52 countries supported the assessment of the paper; on average papers received 2.97 reviews. In addition, Nandini Lahiri added her special thanks to the other EC members (who helped with reviewing all the symposia), and Anna Lamin, Grazia Santangelo, and Beth Rose for their very timely reviews at short notice.
Finally, she used the opportunity to call on everyone to volunteer to review next year.
9. Program Features and Highlights for 2022-2023
Program Chair Nandini Lahiri provided an overview of the program for 2022-2023.
She noted that we are back to the normal conference structure with the pre-conference PDW program on Friday and Saturday, Consortia and the Eminent Scholar Award on Sunday, and the conference program (paper and symposia sessions), the awards session and the gala/reception on Monday and Tuesday. The complete program has been available online since June 23rd.
Then she continued to mention a few of the highlights of the program:
On Sunday, the IM Division Hyundai Motor Eminent Scholar Award (4:30- 6 pm) will be presented to Tatiana Kostova.
On Monday, the Thought Leadership Café (8- 9:30 am – HIL, Westminster) will feature Rebecca Reuber, Elizabeth Rose and Grazia Santangelo.
On Monday and Tuesday, there are a series of session involving the award finalists followed by the awards session and reception:
- Best Paper Finalists [8:00 am – 5:30 pm, Monday at HIL, Salon B; 8 am – 1:30 pm, Tuesday at HIL, Salon B]
- Best Dissertation Award Finalists [4-5:30 pm, Monday at HIL, Westminster]
- Awards Session [6-7:30 pm, Monday at HIL, Fenway Ballroom]
- Reception [Monday, 8-11 pm: University of Massachusetts Club 32nd Floor, 1 Beacon St. | Boston, MA | 02018; Sponsored by UMass Lowell, Manning School of Business & CEIBS]
10. Research Award Committee report
Randi Lunnan (Research Awards Committee Chair) noted that the division has 8 research awards, each with a specific selection committee, and provided an overview of the selection and evaluation process.
She mentioned that the winners and finalist will be recognized during the awards session in Boston [6-7:30 pm, Monday at HIL, Fenway Ballroom].
11. Best dissertation award committee report
Davina E. Vora (Best Dissertation Award Committee Chair) thanked the committee members and discussed how they broadened their outreach to encouraged more people to apply. She also discussed the process of selecting award finalists and a winner.
She then highlighted the session in which the Best Dissertation Award Finalists [4-5:30 pm, Monday at HIL, Westminster] will present their work, as well as a session on providing advice on writing an award-winning dissertation with the 2022 dissertation award finalists (she asked to encourage current Ph.D. students to attend)
Finally, she asked IM division members to encourage their graduating PhD students to apply for the Best Dissertation Award.
12. AOM Online Research Resource Committee report
Noman Shaheer (Online Research Resources Committee Chair) provided an overview of the committee members and the planned activities for the next year. Some of the key events planned for next year involve conducting research events online on emerging research areas and research methods. He highlighted that the committee is open to suggestions for such new emerging research areas.
Finally, he highlighted that the committee will update resources on IB related data resources online, and invites members to submit relevant information about such data sources.
13. Teaching Committee report
Carl Fey (incoming Teaching Committee Chair who will take over from Charles Dhanaraj) was not able to join the meeting and William Newburry provided an overview of the committees upcoming activities:
- The Teaching Committee will organize two PDWs at AOM 2024 (possibly on using AI/Chat GTP in teaching IB, and Teaching about global supply chains)
- The Teaching Committee will run several webinars on teaching IB over the coming year
- The Teaching Committee is collecting IB syllabi for courses of all levels from star teachers to post on our teaching resources website. If you are willing to share your syllabus send it to: carl.fey@bi.no
- The Teaching Committee is also working to produce several how to teach topic X in IB documents for the teaching resources website
Finally, William Newburry thanked Charles Dhanaraj for his contributions.
14. Doctoral Student Committee report
Rany Salvodi (Doctoral Student Committee Chair) noted that the goal of the committee is to create a meaningful community for doctorial students from all over the world that do IM research. In addition to the social event organized at the annual meeting, the committee started with series of online social hours for students to network, and an online reading group initiative.
Rany Salvodi also mentioned the GAME NIGHT for fun networking on Friday 4 August 2023 (7:00 – 9:00 pm) at the annual conference.
William Newburry thanked Rany Salvodi to stay on as chair for one more year after graduating, and called for new members given the turnover in this committee due to doctoral students graduating.
15. IM Scholarship & Engagement Committee report
Denise Dunlap (Scholarship and Engagement Committee Chair) noted that it will be the first gala event in 4 years. The event will be held in Boston at UMASS Club with assistance from UMASS Lowell Ph.D. students [Monday, 8-11 pm: University of Massachusetts Club 32nd Floor, 1 Beacon St. | Boston, MA | 02018; Sponsored by UMass Lowell, Manning School of Business & CEIBS].
Looking ahead, Denise Dunlap invited new members, especially people who would be able and interested to help with the gala event in Chicago.
Finally, she will also be working with UMASS Lowell Ph.D. students to organize at least 2-4 research-focused webinars throughout the year, and is exploring if the division can provide research scholarships for junior faculty and award these at the next gala event in 2024.
16. Membership Drive Committee report
Alex Settles (Membership Drive Committee Co-chair) highlighted that he, Luiz Ricardo Kabbach (Membership Drive Committee Co-chair) and the rest of the committee have engaged in various initiative including attending the New Doctoral Student Consortium in Seattle in 2022 to recruit new members, organizing and sponsoring a number of webinars, and building an online repository with past materials.
Going forward, the committee is working to add new members to the committee to increase its geographic reach, encourage more new doctoral students to attend the NDSC at the annual meeting, and continue to sponsor webinars that add value to our members.
Finally, William Newburry highlighted that there will be a table in the Hilton where a member of the EC or other committees will be available to answer questions for new (and existing members) from Friday to Monday during the annual meeting (7.30 am until 9.00 am near the lobby).
17. The IM Division Team for 2023-2024
The Division Chair then introduced the members of the 2023-2024 Executive Committee: PDW Chair (Ilya Cuypers), Program Chair (Klaus Meyer), Division Chair-elect (Nandini Lahiri), Division Chair (Grazia Santangelo), Immediate Past Division Chair (William Newburry). He noted that he looks forward to working with all the EC members in the next year to make the IM division even better. He also acknowledged the work Katherine Xin has done the last years and for her mentorship.
18. Future AOM Conferences
The Division Chair shared dates and locations of the conferences for the next four years, with the 2023 conference to be held on August 9-13, 2024 in Chicago.
19. Adjournment
The Division Chair thanked everyone and the meeting was then closed.