
About the IM Division

The general objective of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management is to promote scholarship and advances in the field of international business, including management in a broad range of both profit and nonprofit organizations. The Division brings together a global community of scholars researching and teaching management themes with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension, including not only traditional management topics, but also the contribution of management to addressing evolving global social and environmental challenges. Scholarship that focuses on a single country and has no international issues or implications is not within the purview of the IM division. Members of the IM community conduct research on themes such as:


  • the cross-border management of operations, including multi-country, multi-unit, strategy formulation and implementation;
  • the cross-border differential impact of cultural, social, economic, technological, political, and other institutional forces on strategies, organizational forms, and management practices;
  • evolving forms and management practices in cross-border business using physical and virtual channels supporting international business activities;
  • the international competitiveness of entrepreneurs, firms, industries, and nations;
  • comparative management studies involving two or more countries;
  • the impact of multinational enterprises on the societies in which they operate, and their contribution to global challenges such as social inequalities and climate change.


IM Division Chair
Grazia Santangelo
IM Division Chair

IM Newsletter

Dear IM Division Members,

Welcome to the International Management Division website! 

We are in the beginning of preparations for the 2024 AOM Annual Meeting in Boston from August 9 - 13 on the theme: Innovating for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and OrganizationsProgram Chair Klaus Meyer and Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Chair Ilya Cuypers are already working hard at building the IM Division’s conference program. Please look for more information on the meeting over the next couple of months and start planning your papers, symposia and PDW proposal submissions! The IM Division hands over eight awards to the best papers in different research areas/topics accepted into the division program. Also, sign up to review for the conference. Outstanding reviews are recognized by IM Division Best Review Awards.

The Division Committees are also working on an exciting calendar of online events during the forthcoming months. Stay tuned and follow us on the Division’s social media (i.e., Facebook and LinkedIn).

Looking back, I would like to recognize everyone who contributed to the AOM conference in Boston this past August. It was the first fully in-person conference since 2019, and it was great to reconnect. The 2023 conference theme of “Putting the Worker Front and Center” was thought-provoking and sparked a lot of discussion throughout the conference sessions.

I particularly wanted to thank Program Chair Nandini Lahiri and Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Chair Klaus Meyer, who were the central players in building the IM Division’s conference program. We are extremely grateful for their work. Klaus’s efforts led to an IM Division PDW program featuring our Division’s Doctoral Student Consortium (co-chaired by Stephanie Lu Wang and Luis Ballesteros), Junior Faculty Consortium (co-chaired by Kristin Brandl and Liang Chen), Paper Development Workshop (co-chaired by Christian Geisler Asmussen and Vanessa Hasse), and “Meet-the-Editors” session (chaired by Ilya Cuypers). Thank you, everyone for your efforts in support of the PDW Program!

Nandini had the huge job of putting together our Division’s scholarly program that included symposia and paper sessions, covering a vast array of topics comprised in our field of International Management. The program featured 196 Divisional papers in 49 sessions, plus 22 IM-led symposia and two showcase symposia. Scholarly program highlights included sessions featuring nominees for best paper awards and finalists for the D’Amore-McKim Northeastern University Best Dissertation Award. In addition, the program included opportunities for some informal discussions in the traditional IM Division Thought Leadership Café, led by Rebecca Reuber (University of Toronto) and  Elizabeth Rose (IIM Udaipur). 

I would also like to recognize the winners of our division’s Professional Achievement Awards in 2022 – Tatiana Kostova (IM Division Hyundai Motor Eminent Scholar Award), Arie Lewin (IM Division Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award), Ana Tereza Leme Fleury (IM Division AmorePacific Outstanding Educator Award), and Joao Albino-Pimentel (IM Division FIU Business Emerging Scholar Award) – in addition to the winners of the paper and dissertation awards.

The IM Division runs through the efforts of a remarkably large number of volunteers. Treasurer Malika Richards does an amazing job of watching over our division’s finances and serving as a key interface with AOM Headquarters. Antonina Bauman, our Communications Officer does a lot of work behind the scenes, overseeing the outward-looking face of our division (and keeping the rest of us in line – no easy task, indeed!). The IM Division owes huge debts of gratitude to all members of our various committees, which are chaired by Jaeyong Song (Professional Awards Committee), Randi Lunnan (Research Awards), Davina Vora (Dissertation), Carl Fey (Teaching), Alex Settles and Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro (Membership Drive), Denise Dunlap (Scholarship and Engagement), Noman Shaheer (Online Research Resources) and Rany Salvoldi (Doctoral Student). If you are interested in joining this group of wonderful IM Division volunteers, please let EC members know or contact committee chairs.

There is another key set of volunteers… the IM Division Executive Committee. For this coming year, I have the great pleasure of working with Bill Newburry, Nandini Lahiri, Klaus Meyer and Ilya Cuyper as EC members. We also recognize Katherine Xin, who just rotated off of the Executive Committee after serving for the past five years. Thank you, Katherine!

We could not accomplish this much without our generous sponsors. We are deeply grateful to AmorePacific, CEIBS, Florida International U., George Washington U. CIBER, Georgetown U. McDonough School of Business, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology, Hyundai Motor, Northeastern U. D’Amore-McKim School of Business, and the U. of South Carolina for their support of various awards. Thank you so much to all of our sponsors!

Last – but certainly not least – I want to acknowledge the IM Division members from around the world, who contribute in a myriad of ways, from submitting and presenting their ideas, to serving as reviewers, to helping create the community that characterizes our Division.

Thank you, and see you in Chicago!

With best regards,

IM Division Chair



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The IM Division gratefully acknowledges the generous sponsorships of the following universities and organizations:

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  • Associate/Full Professor of Management & International Business University of Oklahoma Norman Campus: Michael F. Price College of Business: Division of Management and International Business Location Norman, Oklahoma ...

  • Henley International Business Masterclasses – Autumn 2024 We are pleased to invite applications for the Autumn 2024 Session of the Henley International Business Masterclasses , consisting of the following two courses offered to PhD students and ...

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