Minutes of the IM Division 2020


Minutes of the 2020 IM Division Business Meeting, virtual meeting


  1. Welcome and Introduction

Division Chair Anupama Phene welcomed all and presented the agenda for the meeting.


  1. Housekeeping

The Division Chair asked to check the 2019 Meeting Minutes, which are in email, and the financial report. The Division Chair asked for approval of the minutes of 2015 business meeting. The motion was made from the floor and seconded, and passed by acclamation.


  1. Appreciation for IM Service

The Division Chair expressed her appreciation to the EC and especially singled out PDW Chair William Newurry, Program Chair Katherine Xin, Treasurer Malika Richards, and Communications Chair Chei Hwee Chua. She also thanked the IM Division Committee Chairs and other members for their service to the division. These included acknowledgements to Davina Vora (Dissertation), Grazia Santagelo (Research), Carl Fey (Teaching), Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (PWC Strategy& Eminent Scholar), Elizabeth Rose (Professional Achievement), Denise Dunlap (Scholarship and Engagement), Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro (Membership Drive), Jason Sigler (Doctoral Student), Ali Taleb (Online Teaching), and Sali Li (Online Research).
She also thanked the members of various committees.


  1. Staying in Touch with the IM Division

The Division Chair noted that there are several ways to keep in touch with the Division, including Facebook, LinkedIn (for doctoral students), the IM Division webpage, the IM Division Newsletter, and the Connect@AOM. These are all maintained by the Communications Committee (Chei Hwee Chua (Chair), Sahrok Kim (Facebook Group Manager), Everlyne Misati (Communications Officer), Charles Wankel (Connect@AOM), and Rimi Zakaria (Photography Manager).
  1. Sponsor Recognition

Division Chair, Anupama Phene, thanked the division sponsors for their significant contributions to the division’s awards.


  1. Treasurer’s Report 2019-2020

IM Division Treasurer, Malika Richards, summarized the health of the division, saying membership is solid, but has declined slightly over the last few years. We had 2,048 members as of June 2020, with an allocation of $ "$30,878, available January 2021 (compared with 2,337/$30,207 in 2019; 2,406/$30,966 in 2018, 2,537/$32,407 in 2017).

She also reported on continuing and significant contributions to the division in 2020 – with $ 30,500 pledged from Amorepacific, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ. CIBER, Northeastern Univ., Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), Univ. of South Carolina
This compares with the 2019 of $ 39,000 received from Amorepacific, Strategy&, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ. CIBER, Northeastern Univ., Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), Univ. of South Carolina

She thanked the financial contributors, noting that they make a big difference to the quality and extensiveness of our activities, and to our award offerings. Finally, she noted that the IM Division is in good shape, and that we are working to increase our membership.
She provided a financial summary for 2020 compared to prior year balance forward ($86,851 prior year); division allocation $ ??? ($30,966, prior year); other revenue received as of June 20, 2020 $23,500 ($40,251, prior year); total expenses not available for current year ($39,218, prior year); operating funds and endowment as of 01/01, $117,817 for current year ($86,851, for prior year); and, operating funds as of 12/31 is not available for current year ($117,817, prior year). In the end, she indicated that a detailed report is posted at the IM division website.
  1. PDW Chair Report

PDW Chair William Newburry thanked all those who contributed to the PDW program. He noted that we had 17 PDWs (3 withdraw) that had their primary sponsorship from the IM Division, covering research, teaching and practice. In addition to the IM-sponsored PDWs, another 17 (5 withdraw) were jointly sponsored (organized by other divisions). Featured Sessions included Writing an Award-Winning Dissertation and Creating Impactful Research as a Junior Scholars. Four sessions focused on Teaching and Education, including two from our Teaching Committee.

He recognized PDW drivers, starting with the organizers of the two well-received consortia– Stav Fainshmidt and Chengguang Li (Doctoral), Birgitte Grogaard and Liena Kano (Junior Faculty) – noting that the quality of the panels in each of the consortia was remarkable. And last but not least, he thanked Nandini Lahiri for arranging the Paper Development Workshop, along with Grazia Santangelo for her work with the Meet the Editors session. He expressed his gratitude to everyone who proposed PDW sessions and made submissions.


  1. Program Chair Report

Program Chair Katherine Xin reported on the IM Division Program. She thanked all the submitters for helping to make the program a great success. She noted that there were 438 paper and 30 symposia submissions and 522 reviewers from 48 countries, compared to last year’s 458 paper and 35 symposia submissions. He thanked all of the reviewers, and detailed the program statistics:
    • Submitted: 438 papers and 30 symposia (2.40 average assignments per reviewer and 2.63 average reviews per submission)
    • Accepted: 170 Divisional papers in 41 sessions (compared to204 papers in 51 sessions in prior year); 18 discussion papers in 4 sessions (compared to 18 discussions in prior year); 7 IM-lead Symposia, one showcase symposia and one AAT.
The program included Division plenary. Katherine Xin thanked Jesper Edman, Tarun Khanna, Rebecca Reuber and Charles Stevens. The program also included the Thought Leadership Café. Katherine Xin thanked Dana Minbaeva, Ravi Ramamurti, and George Yip for their contributions.
  1. Awards

For the HKUST Best Paper in Global Strategy Award, the finalists were:
    • “The Effect of Exporting to Country of Origin on the Financial Performance of Immigrant-Owned SMEs”
      Horatio Morgan (Ryerson Univeristy), Sui Sui (Ryerson University), Shavin Malhotra (University of

    • “Defending Firm Knowledge in Foreign Countries”
      Heather Berry (George Washington University) and Roisin Donnelly (Tilburg University).
    • “How Cultural Distance Shapes the Effect of New Ventures Distinctiveness on International Performance”
      Jonas Janisch (University of Siegen), Alexander Vossen (Univeristy of Siegen)

    • “Does Knowledge from Home Markets Boost OFDI of EMNEs? Evidence from Indian Family EMNEs”
      Arindam Mondal (XLRI-Xavier School of Management), Sarada Devi Gadepalli (Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester)

      The winners were: Horatio Morgan, Sui Sui, and Shavin Malhotra.

 For the Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award, the finalists were:

    • “Expatriate Work Role Engagement: A Conditional Crossover and Spillover Perspective”
      Mihaela Dimitrova (WU Vienna), Sebastian Reiche (IESE Business School), Mina Westman (Tel Aviv University), Shoshi Chen (Tel Aviv University), Olivier Wurtz (University of Vaasa), Mila Borislavova Lazarova (Simon Fraser University), Margaret A. Shaffer (University of Oklahoma)

    • “Multicultural and Multilingual Individuals Forming Social Capital”
      Tomke Jerena Augustin (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen) and Markus Pudelko (University of Tubingen)

    • “A Configurational Analysis of the Effects of EQ and CQ on Performance in Multicultural Teams”
      Franziska Eberz (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), Marjaana Gunkel, Free University of Bozen- Bolzano), Christopher Schlaegel (University of Groningen), Vas Taras (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)

    • “Inclusiveness, Internationalization, and Innovativeness Impact on Talent Management Effectiveness”
      Anna Veselova (Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University), Natalia Ribberink (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences) and Liudmila Veselova (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
The winners were: Mihaela Dimitrova, Sebastian Reiche, Mina Westman, Shoshi Chen, Olivier Wurtz, Mila Borislavova Lazarova, Margaret A. Shaffer.


For the GWU-CIBER Emerging Markets Award, the finalists were:

    • “MNE Space and Subnational Location Choice”
      Yong Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Yi Tang (University of Hong Kong), Xiaotao Yao (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Shu Yu (City University of Hong Kong)

    • “Emerging Market Institutional Co-evolution, State-Owned Firm Globalization, and the Resource Curse”
      Charles Funk (Northeastern Illinois University), Len Trevino (Florida Atlantic University), Juliet Oriaifo (North Carolina A&T State University).

    • Exporting Despite Institutional Voids: The Role of Gender in Early Firm Internationalization
      Marleen Elizabeth McCormick (Butler University)

    • More Money or More People? Institutional Distance, Slack Resources, and EMNE Internationalization”
      Saptarshi Purkayastha (Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta), Roisin Donnelly (Tilburg University), Tatiana S. Manolova (Bentley University), Linda F. Edelman, (Bentley University).

      The winners were: Yong Wang, Yi Tang, Xiaotao Yao, Shu Yu


For the Best Paper in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Award, the finalists were:

    • “Follow the Smoke: The Pollution Haven Hypothesis in Global Sourcing”
      Heather Berry (George Washington University), Aseem Kaul (University of Minnesota), Narae Lee (University of Minnesota)

    • “What Happens Abroad, Stays Abroad? Reputation Risks of MNE Irresponsibility in Home and Host Markets”
      Irina Minodora Surdu (Warwick Business School) and Giulio Nardella (Loughborough University)

    • “Gods Put All Things in Feet? The Duality in Religious Diversity and CSR Disclosure”
      Chao Niu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Shu Yu, City University of Hong Kong), Tao Bai (University of Queensland) and Andrew Delios (National University of Singapore)

    • “That's How I Grew Up: CEO Origin and Corporate Pro-Social Behavior”
      Michael Juergen Mueller (Erasmus University)

      The winners were: Irina Minodora Surdu and Giulio Nardella
For the Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Award, the finalists were:

    • “Corporate Governance and Foreign IPO Underpricing: A Configurational Approach”
      Zhihan Shen (National School of Development at Peking University), Igor Filatotchev (King's College London), and Ryan Adam Krause (Texas Christian University)

    • “Two to Tango: Board Interlocks, CEO Duality, and Foreign Debt Capital”
      Anish Purkayastha (University of Sydney Business School)

    • “United or Divided? Antecedents of Board Cohesiveness in International Joint Ventures”
      Rene Olie (Erasmus University), Elko Klijn (Old Dominion University), Hugo Leenders (Old Dominion University).

    • “Internal Diversity in German Corporate Governance: A QCA Analysis”
      Shabneez Bhankaraully (University of Essex Business School) and Michel Goyer (University of Birmingham).
The winners were: Zhihan Shen, Igor Filatotchev and Ryan Adam Krause.


For the Douglas Nigh Award, the finalists were:

    • “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Moderating Effects of Experience on Divestment and Re-Entry”
      Irina Minodora Surdu (Warwick Business School) and Edith Ipsmiller (WU Vienna)

    • “Bi-National Tandem Leadership in German-Chinese Joint Ventures - A Context-Embedded Analysis”
      Yuqi Liu (University of Passau)

    • “The Role of Distinct Organizational Learning Types in Value Chain Fine-Slicing Decisions”
      Carlos Adrian Rodriguez (INCAE Business School) and Russell Seidle (Suffolk University).

    • “Carriers of Competing Institutional Logics: The Effect of Returnees in Corporate Boards on M&A”
      Shenyang Jiang (School of Management, Zhejiang University) and Zhi Cao (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
The winner were: Carlos Adrian Rodriguez and Russell Seidle.
For the Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy Award, the finalists were:

    • “Go Out for Jobs? Foreign Investment Projects and Their Impact on Firms’ Domestic Employment Growth”
      Guus Hendriks (University of Amsterdam)

    • “Fractionalization and Decentralization Predictors of the Relationship of Within-Country Region"
      Diff Mikael Sondergaard (Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University), Mark F. Peterson (Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University) and Aycan Kara (IU Southeast)

    • “Contingent Signaling Effects of Anti-Mafia Interventions of MNEs’s Acquisitions in Italy (2000-2015)”
      Himanshu Bhatt (ESSEC Business School) and Elisa Operti (ESSEC Business School)

    • “Unsolicited Justice: the Institutional Externality of FCPA Enforcement on Corruption and Investment”
      Jian Xu (Emory University)
The winner were: Himanshu Bhatt and Elisa Operti


For the CEIBS Best Paper Award, all finalists for IM Division Paper Awards are also finalists for IM Division. Finalists were:

    • “Disentangling the Effects of Business Groups in the Innovation-Export Relationship”
      Lichao Wu (Xiamen University), Yingqi Wei, University of Leeds, Chengang Wang (University of Bradford)

    • “Navigating Complex Frontiers: International Business Travellers as Global Boundary Spanners in MNEs”
      Kieran Michael Conroy (Queen's University), Anthony McDonnell (University College Cork) and Stefan Jooss (University College Cork).

    • “Why Do Platform Multinationals Struggle Abroad? The Role of Informal Institutions”
      Ke Rong (Tsinghua University), Di Zhou (Tsinghua University), Ronaldo C. Parente (Florida International University)

    • “Understanding Why Knowledge is not (Always) Evenly Shared in Multinational Enterprises”
      Danni Ma (University of Technology Sydney), Anthony Fee (University of Technology Sydney), Simone Faulkner (University of Technology Sydney) and Moira Scerri (University of Technology Sydney)
The winner were: Kieran Michael Conroy, Anthony McDonnell and Stefan Jooss.


For the IM Division D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Award for the Best Dissertation, the finalists were:

    • “Reappraising International Business in A Digital Arena: Barriers, Strategies, and Context for Internationalization of Mobile Apps”
      Noman Shaheer (University of Sydney (PhD from University of South Carolina))

    • “In An Era of Disruption: Multinationals’ Responses to Host Country Political Violence”
      Chang Liu (Rutgers (PhD from Indiana University))

    • “Firms and the State: An Examination of Corporate Political Activity and the Business-Government Interface”
      Omar El Nayal (Universidade Católica Portuguesa (PhD from Erasmus University))

    • “When International Strategy Meets Local Institutions: Subsidiary Influence in the Context of Headquarter Initiatives”
      Ivar Padrón-Hernández (Hitotsubashi University (PhD from Stockholm School of Economics)

      The winner was: Noman Shaheer.


In Academy-Level Recognitions,
For William H. Newman Award Nominee, the nominee was Yuqi Liu
For Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee, the finalists were Franziska Eberz, Marjaana Gunkel, Christopher Schlaegel, and Varas Taras.
For All-Academy level Theme Symposium Nomination, the finalist were Martha L. Maznevski, Allan W. Bird, Snejina Michailova, Betina Agata Szkudlarek and Vas Taras.

  1. Thank you to the reviewers:

The Program Chair thanked, again, the reviewers. And she noted IM Division 2020 Best Reviewers awards, which come with a certificate, and named Ali Intezari, Aline Gatignon, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Amanpreet Kang, Anthony Cannizzaro, Anupama Phene, Augustine Awuah Peprah, Bassam Farah, Believe Dedzo, Bjoern Schmeisser, Cordula Barzantny, Daniel Andrews, Daniel Richard Clark, Davina E. Vora, Dimitrija Kalanoski, Ebes Esho, Elaine Yen Nee Oon, Elizabeth L. Rose, Han-fen Hu, Hinrich Voss, Jennifer Spencer,Jesper Edman, Jiaju Yan, Jun Yang, Karishma Nagre, Kun Zhang, Liang Li, Limin Zhu, Liudmyla Svystunova, Lubza Nihar, Malika Richards, Marine Mograbyan, Michael Nippa, Michael Joseph Dominic Roberts, Mikael Sondergaard, Nandini Lahiri, Natalia Fey, Nathaniel Lupton, Patrick Bruning, Philipp Kern, Raquel García-García, Ruihua Joy Jiang, Ryan Federo, Sachiko Yamao, Sebastian Reiche, Tao Han, Thomas Lindner, Vera Kunczer, Weiqiang Tang, Wen Li, Xiaoxi Liu as the Best Reviewers for 2020

  1. Professional Achievement Awards/Lifetime Achievement Awards:

  • For the IM Division Eminent Scholar, the committee consists of Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Chair), Jay Anand and Sri Zaheer. The 2020 IM Division Eminent Scholar was Yves L. Doz (INSEAD).
  • For the next three awards, the committee consists of three past division chairs (Aya Chacar, Jay Anand, and Elizabeth Rose).
  • For the FIU Emerging Scholar, the 2020 award went to Minyoung Kim (University of Kansas).
  • The Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award, went to Rosalie Tung (Simon Fraser University).
  • The Amorepacific Outstanding Educator Award went to Kendall Roth (University of South Carolina)

A Special Recognition was also given to Elizabeth Rose (University of Leeds) for her outstanding contributions to the IM Division of the Academy of Management as a member of the Executive Committee from 2016 to 2020.


  1. The IM Division Team

The Division Chair then introduced the members of the 2020-2021 Executive Committee: PDW Chair (Grazia Santangelo), Division Program Chair (William Newburry), Division Chair-Elect (Katherine Xin), Division Chair (Jaeyong Song), and Immediate Past Division Chair (Anu Phene). She noted that she looks forward to working with all the EC members in the next year to make the IM division even better.


  1. Future AOM Conferences

The Division Chair shared dates and locations of the conferences for the next 8 years, with the 2021 conference to be held in Philadelphia, USA.


  1. Adjournment

The Division Chair thanked everyone for a great year. The meeting was then closed.