Article I – NAME
The name of the organization shall be the International Management Division, Academy of Management, hereafter referred to as the Division.
The general objective of the Division is to promote scholarship and advances in the field of international business, and to aid in the extension of knowledge in this field to nonprofit organizations. As a professional division of the Academy of Management, the Division's focus is on the study of the effects that international activities of organizations may have on socially- embedded organizational and management practices. Major topics include, but are not necessarily restricted to, the following investigations: adjustments organizations make in order to succeed in other countries; cross-border management of operations, including multi-country, multi-unit strategic formulation and implementation; evolving organizational forms and management practices that are the consequence of the interaction of two or more socially- embedded business processes; the cross-border differential impact of social, economic, and political forces on organizational forms and management practices; comparative management practices; and other research with an international dimension. The Division's objective is to be accomplished by:
1. fostering the general advancement of research, learning, teaching, and practice in the management field by calling attention to, and examining, the consequences of international business activities on management practice and organizations.
2. meeting annually to present public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, and similar programs.
3. encouraging and providing opportunities for greater cross-border dialog and cooperation among international management scholars based in different countries.
4. encouraging and providing opportunities for greater dialog and cooperation among and between international management scholars from the different academic disciplines within the general field of management.
5. gaining broader acceptance of international management scholarship by the academic disciplines within the general field of management.
6. encouraging and providing opportunities for the advancement of international management education.