1. Welcome and Introduction
Division Chair Jaeyong Song welcomed all and presented the agenda for the meeting.
2. Housekeeping
The Division Chair asked to check the 2020 Meeting Minutes, which are in email, and the financial report. The Division Chair asked for approval of the minutes of 2020 business meeting. The motion was made, seconded, and passed by acclamation.
3. Appreciation for IM Service
The Division Chair expressed his appreciation to the EC and especially singled out PDW Chair Grazia
Santangelo, Program Chair William Newburry, Treasurer Malika Richards, and Communications Chair Chei Hwee Chua. He also thanked the IM Division Committee Chairs and other members for their service to the division. These included acknowledgements to Davina Vora (Dissertation), Nandini Lahiri (Research), Carl Fey (Teaching), Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Eminent Scholar), Anu Phene (Professional Achievement), Denise Dunlap (Scholarship and Engagement), Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro and Alex Settles (Membership Drive), Jason Sigler (Doctoral Student), Ali Taleb (Online Teaching), and Sali Li (Online Research).
He also thanked the members of various committees.
4. Staying in Touch with the IM Division
The Division Chair noted that there are several ways to keep in touch with the Division, including
Facebook, LinkedIn (for doctoral students), the IM Division webpage, the IM Division Newsletter, and Connect@AOM. These are all maintained by the Communications Committee, Chei Hwee Chua (Chair), Dennys Eduardo Rossetto (webmaster), Sahrok Kim (Facebook Group Manager), Charles Wankel (Connect@AOM), and Rimi Zakaria (Photography Manager).
5. Sponsor Recognition
Division Chair, Jaeyong Song, thanked the division sponsors for their significant contributions to the
division’s awards.
6. Treasurer’s Report 2020-2021
IM Division Treasurer, Malika Richards, summarized the health of the division, saying membership is
solid, but has declined slightly over the last few years. We had 1974 members as of July 2021 with an allocation of $ "$30,878, available January 2021 (compared with 2,048/$30,878 in 2020; 2,337/$30,207 in 2019; 2,406/$30,966 in 2018).
She also reported on continuing and significant contributions to the division in 2021 – with $ 27,000 pledged from Amorepacific, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ. CIBER, Northeastern Univ., Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), Univ. of South Carolina
This compares with the 2020 of $ 28,500 received from Amorepacific, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Florida International Univ., Georgetown University, George Washington Univ.